Concrete Alleys Replacement Denver

Concrete Paving Conctractor Denver

Denver Concrete Paving takes an Experienced Denver Concrete Contractor. When Paving City Alleys in Denver, Concrete Testing and Concrete Compaction Testing are required. As a Licensed Concrete Contractor in Denver, Core Concrete handles all of these tests and is knowledgable on the City Inspection process. We have the machinery and the know how for a successful end product. Call us today for a free estimate.


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Driveway Replacement & Repair

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Walkways & Sidewalks

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Concrete Patios

How thick does a Concrete Alley in Denver have to be poured?

First off, The City of Denver requires Concrete Alleys to be poured at a minimum 8″ thick. Additionally, Concrete Alleys have to be poured with a City Required mix which is a 4500PSI in addition to having Fiber Mesh in the mix as reinforcement. 

Is testing required when replacing a concrete alley in Denver?

Yes! Concrete testing and Compaction testing is required when replacing an Alley in The City of Denver. Its extremely important that the sub-grade is compacted since big garbage trucks use these alleys. Furthermore, if the Soil does not pass compaction test, the City will now allow concrete to be poured until it a successful test is confirmed. 

Do I need to pull a permit to replace my Concrete Alley in Denver?

Yes! You must pull a permit to repair or replace an alley in the City of Denver. Core Concrete is licensed in the City of Denver for Alley Replacement and are well versed in the permitting and inspection process.